/** * Preproccess for Page */ function mytheme_process_page(&$variables) { // Node type Article title if (!empty($variables['node']) && $variables['node']->type == 'article') { //kpr($variables['node']); $long_title = $variables['node']->field_long_title[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['safe_value']; $variables['title'] = $long_title; } } function mytheme_preprocess_node(&$variables, $hook) { // Node type Article if ($variables['node']->type == 'article') { //kpr($variables); // Getting taxonomy term (only one) $tid = $variables['field_categories'][LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['tid']; $term = taxonomy_term_load($tid); // load term object $term_uri = taxonomy_term_uri($term); // get array with path $term_title = taxonomy_term_title($term); $term_path = $term_uri['path']; $article_link = l($term_title,$term_path); // Change date format $article_date = date("F d. Y", $variables['created']); // Block (#1) $block = module_invoke('block','block_view','1'); $block_whole = block_load('block','1'); // not really the whole block until render // Views block ("test") $views_block = module_invoke('views','block_view','test_view-block'); // Creating custom variables for node.tpl.php $variables['article_link'] = $article_link; $variables['article_date'] = $article_date; $variables['block'] = $block; $variables['block_whole'] = $block_whole; $variables['views_block'] = $views_block; } }
<div><?php print $article_link ." | ". $article_date; ?></div> <?php print render($block['content']); print drupal_render(_block_get_renderable_array(_block_render_blocks(array($block_whole)))); print render($views_block); ?> <?php // Hide the comments and links //hide($content['comments']); //hide($content['links']); // Render comments and links print render($content['links']); print render($content['comments']); ?>